March 28, 2012

Threads ready!

available in sizes 10, 20, 40, and 80.

Available in sizes 10, 20, and 40. I was having an off day apparently, when I would off the size 40. Usually I do 50 yards in that size but I ended up winding off 40 yard skeins, so the price on that size reflects that.

(click the pictures to visit the threads :-)

March 27, 2012

Sneaky Peeky

Pretty darn close.

March 26, 2012

Dr. Vonthreadmore speaking...

There has been dye.

....just thought you should know.


March 15, 2012

Because I'm totally psycho.

....'cause girlfriend here totally needs ANOTHER thing to do.

(in my defense, the spinning wheel and wool were gifted to me. And Dr. Vonthreadmore says she will tolerate it's useage if I let her dye some roving. Plus, Hubby dearest has agreed to learn how to wind skeins for Dr. V's hand dyed thread production. Now if only I could teach the children to ship orders for me......)