At night, when the wee ones are drifting off into a deep and peaceful slumber, Dr Von Threadmore slowly brings to life the mysterious lab that once was her kitchen.

Ok, I'll admit that nowhere are you required to wear the safety goggles, but I thought they were cute and it seemed like a good idea.

Here are some of the implements of destruction,

And some of the strange chemicals and concoctions that have made thier home here....

Beware. Experiments of this nature can have a mind of their own. I seem to have contracted some sort of visible skin disease....perhaps The madness is upon me Mwahahahaaaa!!!!

Stay Tuned for more developments from the Mysterious Laboratory of Dr. Von Threadmore.
I'm on the edge of my seat, waiting for the next episode of this mysterious adventure!
Hi Dr. Von Threadmore!! Good luck with your experiment! I'm sure you will have great success!!
ohhhh...can't wait for more!!!
LOL! Can't wait! : )) Fox
Cute post! I can't wait to see what happens!
Igor, the phantom assistant, needs to hand you your protective surgical gloves! Want to see the result!
Wow! You've really got it going on in that mad scientist garb - you could start a trend! But by the looks of it, you may have dipped your fingers in some toxic substance. Perhaps they now have super human powers and will be able to tat at INCREDIBLE speeds!
:) Ann
That is a cute post! PERfect for this time of year!
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