The next day went off without a hitch. I was able to keep the kitchen looking spiffy all day and I even got the laundry done that morning before lunch. Dr. V wandered through the house off and on all day to say hello and show her approval of my housewifery. And at the end of the evening after the little ones bedtime routine, I sat down with great pleasure in my lovely tatting corner with the satisfaction of the days accomplishment behind me, and a couple hours of uninterrupted time ahead of me to tat. But as soon as I picked up my shuttles, I heard the strangest sound! It was a kind of whoosh....... and then all went dark.
The next morning I awoke from my bed, slightly confused as I didn't remember the events that got me there. Scratching my head I figured that hubby must have taken me to bed when he got home from his shift. Once I entered the kitchen however, it became all too clear.
Chemicals were everywhere. Dye pots had yet to be rinsed, and there were tools and measuring spoons strewn about. I couldn't believe it. I looked around a little more until I checked the laundry room. A wall of warm air hit me as I opened the door..... the temperature was set to precisely 70 degrees.... the optimum temp for curing dyed thread! AHA! There it was...wrapped in plastic and perched atop my laundry machines. Dr. Von Threadmore must have knocked me out. In fact, it must have been her plan all along...... motivating me toward keeping the house clean all day so she could take over as soon as the kid's were asleep.
The Nerve!
And, to top it off, I had to rinse the thread for her and clean up her mess!!!!
Needless to say, I haven't seen her since. She knows to stay out of my way for awhile after she has been sneaky like that. Although she might be in more trouble if she didn't come up with such lovely creations. 

I'm calling this batch Earthy Rainbow. I figure if Dr. V isn't going to hang around afterward for the cleanup, then she doesn't get to name the thread either! Hmph!
I give away some thread each time a new batch is procuced, and your dedication has been shown by reading all the way down to the bottom of this post. So I'll reward one lucky reader with a skein of Earthy Rainbow thread, 50 yards of a fine perle cotton that came to me from a far away land......more about that in coming posts. Please leave a comment on this post, make sure I have a way to contact you, and check back on Sunday when I announce the winner. I hope to have some thread live in the shop at that point as well.
This is a very pretty color combo!
♥♥ Fox ; )
Dr. V really was sneaky! Making all that mess for you to clean up and then vanishing. I certinly would give her a good scolding when she does appear. Colors are just beautiful. Good for you to name it yourself, she certainly doesn't deserve to do that either.
ohhh the nerve of Dr V. But hey atleast you get to profit from her madness ;)
I'm stretching out my greedy little paws for that thread. You know it needs to be here in GA with your mama....
OOOOH-- a new colorway. Gotta try it!
So nice to see the good Doctor back at work...even though she was a tad sneaky as to how she went about it! You had to clean up after her I still think it was a pretty good deal for you, what with all that lovely thread.
And, of course, I'd love to have a go at that thread too. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!
janers41 at yahoo dot com
You are hysterical! Very nice colorway, as usual. :-)
Would love to have your give away - always interesting reading your comments. Happy tatting - Robert Kent, in northern Iowa. (rjkent at netamumail dot com)
it looks awesome
If I didn't know better, I'd be terribly worried about you! LOL
I wouldn't complain if some of that thread sneaked up on me!
xx bj
Those are some very interesting colors!
Please count me in for the drawing! ^^
I am concerned about your alter ego....however she did a beautiful job on your thread! I would love to try it out! Does the Dr. only make messes? She does thread maybe she will make a meal!
I agree, the nerve of Dr. V! But you must have suspected that something was up. Anyway, I'd love to be entered in your draw.
Jeff (jwh4000 at gmail dot com)
Very pretty thread. I like this colorway a lot.
DebinWV at yahoo dot com
very interesting combination!
Sorry you had to clean up Dr. V's mess, but she sure did make a great colorway.
We work so hard and someone always has the nerve to take our tat time. But Dr.V does a good job but does need to learn to clean out after herself! lol
What a talented sneak! I would love some Earthy Rainbow :)
Hi Krystle,
I love your story it's very creative and awesome.
That color is so beautiful, and you chose a really good name for it.
Have a great day and the next time you have everything cleaned up, may it stay that way so you can just enjoy the next day. :)
Have a great day! Sue
I think Dr. V is having way to much fun!! Lovely color that was created by Dr. V.
So glad to read that your tatting corner is set up and already offering you welcome respite. That sneaky Dr. V really knows how to push your button, eh? But what lovely HDT at the end of it all!
Good for you, naming the new colorway yourself!
Yes, please, may I be entered for a chance to win?
Thread! Thread! HDT...drool. Please enter my name!
Glad Dr.V is back! She is a sneaky one. Look at all that great work she did but she could have at least cleaned up her mess instead of leaving it for you to do. lol Very nice colors. : )
Dawn Marie
dmlva at yahoo dot com
HDT is such hard work so I admire all who do it especially Dr V!
Lovely colourway, well done
Crazy Mom Tats... you might want to be very careful of saying that the thread needs to be in GA and in Momma's hand! It may very well end up here in my home... I'm in GA and is Krystle's Momma! LOL!
I think she knows you are in GA too mom :-)
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