I love inventing new phrases, coining new terms, etc. Here is my newest contribution to tatting lingo-
What does it mean you ask? Well? I'm not sure yet... And I can't claim full credit for it's invention either. This word came into being from the "captcha" while I was commentingon Jane's blog this morning, and I was so befuzzled and excited to see a word with "tat" in it! So, I think we must claim it as our own. Perhaps I will post a poll so we can determing the meaning of this new term! We could start saying things like, "My, that Doily is quite gotatsic." or "Gotatsicly speaking, I prefer size 20 thread." The possibilities are endless!
Maybe gotatsic could describe something about the picture you see below.
Anyway, that was a rather gotatsic event. or, maybe the result is gotatsic. Or, maybe gotatsic is the new name for feeling the need to finish a WIP (work in progress) or to design something new.....or maybe we feel gotatsic when we are doing something else and we'd much rather be tatting!
Anyway, I'll have a poll up shortly, so give me your input on this most auspicious occasion of new word invention!
This is your phrase - so I must not use it. It is now copyrighted forever and ever.
I must burn Gotatsic from my brain, least you accuse me of stealing your idea.
Lol..... I'm pretty sure you are being sarcastic, but I do mean it for the good and enjoyment of all tattingkind.
Have a gotatsic day!
That was a gotatsic or maybe gotatstic post.
Maybe we could have an online speed contest...if we all used the same materials ie size of thread and design. Wouldn't that be fun.
Love it (to infinity)! A sure sign of the vitality of any endeavor is the life it breathes into and through language.
Can't wait to use this spontaneously in a post. (It will be hard, since I already want to type it almost every third word. LOL)
I love this new word "Gotatsic"!! I wish I'd have been there to watch you in the speed tatting event. It sounds like alot of fun.
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