June 1, 2010


Must say I'm feeling very unconnected now that I'm not blogging as frequently. That sad and alone feeling drove me to the unthinkable....

I signed up for twitter.

So, you can see short updates in the right column of the blog. I have a program called Tweetdeck that puts all my social networking in one place, so I can update them simultaneously, as well as keep an eye on what is going on in the universe. I vow to myself and my family that social networking will not take over my life.........Really. I promise.

I know I could get sucked in very easily, but darn it, I am superwoman and I can do it all!


Hmmm. That sounded a little Dr. Vonthreadmore-ish didn't it.

1 comment:

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I'm afraid to get started with Twitter! I feel too connected already! I hope it works out for you!