July 19, 2010

Time for a Poll!

Dr Vonthreadmore and I have been discussing our future purchases for dyeing, and we would like to know what sizes of HDT people are most interested in. We will only be offering Lizbeth but the cost of the size 10 is something to be dealt with. In order to keep prices reasonable we would need to purchase a large cone of size 10......some 4000 yards I think. So, we need to know if that will be worthwhile to folks. I use a lot of size ten, but if no one else is interested I will just stick to the smaller balls of thread. So if you wouldn't mind filling out our little poll, it will help us choose which threads to purchase and dye in the future. just enter your most used thread sizes, you can make multiple choices :-)


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I've used all the sizes for different projects. I use 20 and 40 the most, though.

God's Kid said...

I have had 20, 30, 40, and 80, but I would prefer 30, 40 or 80, but your poll didn't put it in when I voted. :) I really think it depends on the project. :)

H J Hess said...

Though I must say that there is a time and place for size 10, my preferences are for no thicker than 20. When Georgia was offering the Coron in sizes 120 and 160, I jumped at her offer. Such fun!
Your color combinations are so beautiful. Please keep Dr v TM at her dye pots. Her efforts are well worth the while.

Martha said...

My most often used threads are 20 and 30, but the last few months I have begun to use size 10 as well. I tried to check off both 10 and 20, but I don't think the poll recorded the 10.

Imoshen said...

10 would be great for needle tatters. I'm a shuttle tatter so to have to pull out my larger Tatsy shuttles to work can be a bit of a hassle for me. I prefer 40 or even 20 with HDT. Those two sizes are pretty much all I'll buy.