In other news, I've started working to lose the last few lbs. of "baby weight". Truth being told, I lost all the weight while nursing the baby, but after she quit I gained back a few..... so really it's just a turn to swing the scale back in the other direction before it gets out of control. That being said, the first few days are the hardest while I've been a tad cranky from depriving myself from my usual indulgences. Poor hubby, he's handling me with grace and kindness. bless him.
The big news in tatting around here is that the registration for the Shuttlebirds Workshop is open! I am teaching two different projects, and I will do a proper update soon with pictures and such, until then you can visit
just click on Workshop.
just click on Workshop.
Uh huh I knew it! I knew you would be the next rockstar at Shuttlebirds.
Good on ya girl!
WhooooHoooooooo I am going to the Shuttlebirds too!!! YAY!!!!!!!! You know our friends will want lots of pictures!
That's the Celtic Cross pattern from Ruth Perry. This is her blogger
it's one of her free patterns.
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