January 6, 2011


Life takes rhythm. And no, I'm not talking just about musicality --- getting things done takes pace and cadence sometimes... and I totally let go of my "work at home making jewelry" rhythm over the holiday. Alas, I have been productive as I had promised myself, slowly working myself back into the rhythm that I know will be necessary to maintain my stay at home mom status.

Spanish dancer earrings in black and bronze

(made with Lizeth 20 black and the mostest beeeeautiful delica beads!)

Sanity takes rhythm I think. My natural habitat would cosist of artistic chaos if I would allow it, but in this season I am a mother, and children need lots of love and care by golly! So I work my rhythm to include crayons and cuddling baby dolls. And those most precious of children create an inordinate amout of laundry.....it borders on the obscene what little girls can muster and mash into their cotton apparel. So, my rhythm calls me to the laundry room to stir the home again with the soft rhytmic rumble of the washer and dryer.


Karen said...

What blessed girls you have. Their Mommy knows what/who is really important and matters most. Of course, making time for your creativity makes you able to do what's most important for them. Oh, my,that does take rhythm! Karen in OR

God's Kid said...

Those look awesome! :)

Ridgewoman said...

The artistic drive doesn’t go away; but the child grows up and beyond the laundry. Cherish the time. Little eyes watch; my daughters told me later that they resented the time I spent preparing to teach Sunday School classes, when they needed Mom’s attention. I thought I was serving God; but, the important work was standing in front of me!
hugs, BJ