Here is the latest tatting kids! Click on the picture to find the pattern, it is Icela's Square Motif from her blog. Done in size 20 flora, it measures 3x3". Number 16 for my challenge.
Other than that, nothing much of interest to post unfortuanately. I have a WIP going that will probably take me a while to finish because I'm being super perfectionistic about the joins and the frontside/backside. It's from Iris Niebach's Tatted Doilies, one of the only patterns in the book that calls for oen shuttle and ball, and it is probably one of the simplest ones, but I really want to be able to work from her diagrams! Again for some reason I end up going in what seems to be the opposite direction somehow. Who knows. But It's going along nicely now after three re-starts!
I like the colors you've used in your square. Very gardenlike/springy! I like! :)
Thank you for tracking down that last square. I think I have it already printed out but I'm not sure where it's at in the moment!
Not a problem :-) Glad to be of assistance!
Krystle, you did a great job tatting my square motif design. I like the colors you chose, it makes the mofif really stand out.
I really like square patterns and this one is very pretty.
You done it in my fav colors too.
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