I have been blessed in tatting land by a new friend
Steph. She has bestowed upon me my first ever blog award! I don't yet know about the porsons behind this award, I plan on following up and learning about them, but until then, here is the info about the award.
The following is Bella's story of why and how she created this award:
This one is meaningful to me in three profound ways.
Firstly, it was created in honor of Renee, one human being who has made such a difference in the lives of many just by being. Her honestly, wit, intelligence, and grit are a tremendous source of inspiration. She can elicit raucous laughter and guffaws in her banter, and then turn right around and offer the most heartfelt, gentle words of wisdom and emotional support. She is a spreader of love, simple and true. And her love is infectious.
Secondly, this award was created in collaboration with one of my best friends, Ces. She is, in Renee's own words, truly original. She is an incredible artist, both in pen and ink and paint. She is fiery passion with a gentle hand. She is laughter, fun, joy, intellectual stimulation, a sister. The concept and design of the award belong to Ces.
Thirdly, this is a brand new award, and I have the pleasure and honor of spreading the seed, watching it grow. I hope it finds its way to those who are like Renee: the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acorns…

And so, in honor of the Steph who gave me the award, and also inspired me to tackle size 80 thread, I post the following:

It's a teeney tiny doily, barely covers the palm of my hand! Done in HH/Majestic thread. I tell you I'm about to throw the last of the thread out the window! It's so frustrating to work with for me, near impossible to get the rings even. But I made it through, and I'm about to dig out some DMC 80 that I know I have lying around.....it's ecru (SO boring!) but it's all I could find locally. If I get the chance next month I'll get some of those lovely vareigated colors that Steph has. I swear I need to stay away from your blog Steph, cause now I want that Ben Fikkert book too!
Last up for the day is another pair of Marilee's earrings. This time I got out the beads, and did two threads to see the effect, and I like it! The blue is a little deeper in person, Lizbeth thread again of course! I have a whole box of it, there are still a few other colors I would like however. I made a comment on Tattingchic's blog about how Lizbeth is like Icecream.....you just can't get enough. I dunno, I'm nine months pregnant and a lot of things remind me of food right now. I was working with some vareigated Altin Basak this morning that made me want to go to Jamba Juice for a big juicy tropical smoothie.......MMmmmmmmm.