So, I've decided not to subject you to any more repeats of earrings, only in-the-works designs. I need to save some surprises for when I open my etsy shop! This yellow fella is a doodle I suppose, won't work for an earring, the spokes are too wide, but I'll develop it further I think.
The other projects in the works are my split ring doily from the TAT program. I started it with Cebelia and I don't think I'm happy with it. The thread is too soft and doesn't hold shape like I want it to. So, I might scrap it and start over.
Also working on a doily from "tatter's treasure chest". You know, I can't figure out why I bother making doilies at all....they are useless around here, but something about certain patterns makes me happy. Certain threads too. I suppose it's more about the pleasure of the process than the product. I did break down and start using the "Roses" thread that I got from Yarnplayer, I used almost all of it in the first five rounds, and decided to use the smaller skein of co-ordinating red that she sent for the last round. Big oops though, I ran out with maybe 5 inches to go! AAaaaah! So, after much bad star-wars references, (inside joke :-) I ordered some more of the red thread, (and some other colors.......so getting myself in trouble!) And told Hubby that he bought me some more thread for mothers day. Thanks Hubby! He also got me a batch of vintage thread from ebay, I think he knows about that.....
And finally, in baby news, there is no news. Midwife says I'm dilated to 1cm, and 50% effaced. She thinks it will be another week, which is still before my actual due date. I was getting my hopes up though that I'd deliver two weeks early like my last one. I just have to put up with these whacky contractions I have each night.
I like the yellow doodle! Good call on trying a firmer thread for the split ring doily. That is one of those exercises that starts really easily and one tats along very happily for a couple of rounds then, suddenly, the spokes get misaligned.
So sorry that the baby is going to make you wait. Perhaps it wants to let you finish Phase I before it is born. Considerate little thing! :)
The doodle is cute! Looks like a gear.
Sounds like you'll have a very healthy full-term baby! Or, as Master Yoda would say, "Baby full health, have you term" or something to that effect, LOL.
Krystle, You can get a subscription to Tatting Times from Karey Solomon. Email me at ginab6@yahoo.com and I'll send you the address.
I like your doodle too, btw. And all the moms-to-be around here are anxious - even though they are not quite due yet!
Cute yellow thinger. It kind of looks like those spikey daisies. What are they called? I wish I knew the name. :)
Your golden yellow doodle has a nautical air. Can you see it with a summery navy-and-white sailor-y outfit (with perhaps a splash of red)? Very dashing!
Psssttt...do you have an email addy? If you do and you don't want it published...just leave another comment with your email address and I will "reject" it so it doesn't get published and email you so we can "talk" about patterns and stuff, hee hee..shhhhhh.
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