Ten points to the first one to recognize the pattern :-) I don't know much about the thread, it came from a friend on Intatters and is Tencel hand dyed. It works up much like a perle cotton, two or three ply I think. The color looks more tropical in person I think.
And I am this much closer to having my four generations of tatting! The piece on the left was done by my grandmother, who has just learned to shuttle tat (and is free to come get a lesson in hiding ends any time she wants :-). The heart on the right is done by my Great grandmother who tatted long ago and picked it up recently to teach one of Gram's friends. My mom just got her tatting needles from HH, she did shuttle when I was little but wants to try needle this time, so soon I'll have a piece from her. very cool huh!
And the other super news is that Gram and her friend Barbara both want to go to the Shuttlebirds workshop next year! I was going to go by myself but this will be way more fun!
The earrings are pretty! Love the thread! I just got some hand dyed tencel thread, but haven't tatted with it, yet. I have no idea what pattern that is so nO PoInTs for me! Hey hey!
Oh, that is very cool that you would be able to get something with 4 generations of tatting! Very, very cool! :)
Love the earrings! Pretty colour as well. I have the thought that these are either Yarnplayer's or Eliabeth's but what do I know!
Imagine! Four generations of tatters. Very cool, indeed! Fox : )
Four generations of tatters, that is neat. Cute earrings. The pattern... I tried to think of the ones most of us are familiar with, but I'm still stumpted. Which one is it?
Jane E. should recognize the earring pattern, it's a modification of a certain pattern she is familliar with!
I know! it's that south africa bookmark!! It's too funny because I was going to do earring in that same patter! haha! great minds think a like (especially tatting minds) :)
Ten points to Allison!
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