September 21, 2009


AWw, somehow I managed to delete all the encouraging comments you all had left me! My Flustrimication must be trying to rear it's ugly head again lol! I'm feeling more chipper this morning for sure. The littlest one is a morning person lol....


sewmuchfun4 said...

Hip Hip Hurrah for Chip Chip Chipper and little morning people who drag us out of bed even when we don't wanna go... hope you are able to take three quick steps from chipper to cheerful and then the leap to delighted today!
:) Ann

Ridgewoman said...

I swear, it's in the air! There are gremlins running about in preparation for Halloween tinkering with comments and computers. No matter, I once met a very inebriated person who said tha, t" all the words we've ever written or said are floating about in the air; waiting to be placed somewhere."
XX Bev

Ladytats said...

Hope the day ended well and tomorrow will be better

IsDihara said...

Don't fret, I will gladly write more encouraging comments on your lovely blog!

Have I told you how well you are doing in class and how lovely your laces are?

No, I am not just saying that to suck up!