After hearing much lamentation over the speed (or lack thereof ) of Fed-Ex ground shipping, I was relieved to find Dr. Von Threadmore's much awaited package on the doorstep. That girl has no patience.
You know, I like the Dr and all, but she is a little eccentric. And she does things I find out about she pretended she was me and told my husband that I required....I mean requested....a skein winder for Christmas. Crazy, right? And you should have seen her when Diane posted about the spinning wheel pattern she is working on. "I've been Featured!" she exclaimed while doing a ridiculous happy dance of sorts. She may be good with color, but the girl can't dance.
Oh, dear! I feel like an enabler! But, that's good... right? ; )
Oh, she is VERY good with colors! Those "precious" swatches are BEAUTIFUL! Sorry about the dancing though - can't have it all I guess...
:) Ann
Wonderful! I have no guilt or shame.... Dye away, Dr VTM!!! I can't wait to see more HST emerge from your pots of dye!
(Are we REALLY enabling..... oh, so what! LOL!)
Fox : ))
I'm very concerned about having Dr. Threadmore muttering, "My Precious." . ollum came to no good end! I'm sure you can take control of Dr. Threadmore; since she so obviously needs YOU to carry out her magic
As I recall Snoopy's dance consists of jumping from one foot to another! YOU can do that! or even a vertical hop up and down is possible. LOL XXX Bev
Tell the mad doctor that I think it's cool that she is gettin' her groove on! Can't blame her really, I busted a move myself after reading Diane's spinning wheel post. LOL!
(Eccentric minds think alike, I guess.)
Better keep a close eye on her "precious" tendencies. Don't want her getting all tricksy and false.
Yes, the Dr. is back on planet earth today (well, as much as can be expected from her I guess). She is not allowed to come out while the thread is curing because she won't stop peeking at it.
If you and your husband are a little bit skilled with power tools (and what doctor doesn't like power tools!?) you can make a skein winder :)
I love mine made from this site (scroll down, it's free)
The square 1x1 poplar isn't with the normal lumber, I found it over by the dowel rods. Plus what you need is a niddy-noddy to wind the thread onto, then you tie it with acrylic yarn, then dye that! Then once it's done you use your handy dandy mad scientist yarn swift :)
Here's for the PVC niddy noddy
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