I just love how life goes. Totally unexpectedly.
Anyway, after the last few posts, you all probably figured that I was too busy doing other things to post.......
But truth be told, I have been too busy TATTING!
Long story short, I have a friend who offered to team up with me and do a craft show (she has a scrapbooking business called JustYesterday. you can find her on etsy under that name) Anyway, there was a small show coming up, and after not much thought (!) I agreed to go for it even though it was only a week away. How hard could it be? (Mwahahahahaaa)
So, I spent the entire next week (to the neglect of almost all housework) preparing. I got in a mad frenzy and made all new packaging and earring cards, built some display, ordered some display, and went to five stores to find all the stuff I needed, and I pretty much doubled my inventory of Jewelry!
I can't beleive that I got it all done, and it would not have been so had my hubby not stepped up to the plate majorly with the kids and the house. He let me sit in my chair and tat like crazy! I made a gazillion pairs of earrings, 6 pairs of hairclips, four haircombs, two bracelets, and at least one necklace.

Here is one of the new things that came from all this productivity.....a darling little haircomb with some swarovski sparkle thrown in for good measure. It didn't actually make it to the show, my step-mom saw it and had to have it :-)

Anyway, here you can see my display at the show. The earring rack is from a seller on etsy, Wulds workshop. My Grandma (the one who went to shuttlebirds with me) got it for me as a gift. The wire thing in the middle holding the hairclips is a little silver stand that I found at a garage sale across the street just a few days before the craft sale, such luck because usually I don't make time to go to garage sales! The stand on the right that is on the blue riser is what hubby and I put together with stuff from the wood section from joann.
The show was fun, albiet not as profitable as I would have liked. (I little more than broke even) It turned out to be more than half direct sales (partylite, arbonne, avon,....you name it, they were there) Now I have nothing against direct sales, but it's hard for handicrafts to compete with all the "special deals" and whatnot that they offer. That's a whole other topic..... Anyway, the friend I mentioned who shared the table with me, is someone I hadn't seen in a long time. So we got to catch up and make plans for future craft shows, and we also made friends with another etsy seller who was there. So I would not call the effort a loss. I'm all prepped for upcoming craft shows, and I'm motivated to try and see if I can contribute a little income by putting some more effort into the etsy shop. In fact, a new display piece should be here today, so I should be able to get some lovely new photos.
Thank you all for your kind comments, I so love to hear from you.