April 29, 2011
Mucho dissapointo
Groan. Sigh. sorry, I'll get over my lost memories and be less melancholy soon. I have been doing an insane amount of tatting to get ready for the farmers market, and I will be taking some pictures of the new items and designs before they go, so I will have some cheery bright photos to show.
April 19, 2011
It's ready
April 18, 2011
We are back!!!
Shuttlebirds was a blast! With religious use of the cruise control, we managed to go without speeding tickets this year.
I'm now in full tilt getting ready for the market mode. Sigh. Can't slow down for a minute it seems lol!
April 12, 2011
Before I go.....
April 9, 2011
For miss Antsy Pants.......
April 8, 2011
Oh the thread of it all
I thought I would show you this pair of custom earrings that I made for one of our tatting blog friends, I've been so busy that it took me quite awhile to get them finished, but I'm quite pleased. She is too, and that makes me even happier. :-)
Sweet dreams to you all, I'm off to finish my final handout for my bracelet class next week... Once I am back in town I should will be tatting like a madwoman to get ready for the Farmers Market. May 1st is my debut!
April 5, 2011
If you want some thread......and a tester found!
Also, I am putting together some handouts, and could use a set of eyes to try them out for me. Specifically, I need a tatter who does NOT know how to cover a cabone ring with stitches. I am making a picture tutorial, and I want to test it out on someone to see if the instructions are clear. if you meet this criteria, and are able to finish testing no later than Thursday Night this week, send me an email at krystledawne (at) gmail.com. Your help would be so appreciated! The first draft will be sent out to my tester this evening. (edited to add- my tester has been found! Thank you all for your willingness to help out, I couldn't do it without you!!! If I have anything else that needs a look over, I'll be sure to let you know.)
April 4, 2011
I must be crazy!!!!
Good old Dr vonthreadmore found out that I didn't intended on bringing any of her thread with me to ShuttleBirds.
She's been having a fit for days now.....
If you don't hear from me before shuttlebirds.....you'll know why. I will be up to my elbows in dye an thread for the next week at least.
If I do have a spare moment I will update you all with a post about the wonderful surprises I have gotten from some dear tatting friends.