So I've been enjoying this tatting tea Tuesday. Right now I need to go fold some laundry, feed some kids, and decipher some loan documents. So have a great day!
November 24, 2009
Tatting tea tuesday!
So I've been enjoying this tatting tea Tuesday. Right now I need to go fold some laundry, feed some kids, and decipher some loan documents. So have a great day!
November 23, 2009
I guess it's official...
Yes. It is true.
Some of you might remember my lamentations over the several house deals gone bad that we have dealt with this summer. Well, I'm pleased to announce that we have "mutual acceptance" on our contract, which makes it officially official, as opposed to unofficially official like the last few deals we got hammered on. Our closing date is set for Jan, 12th. The loan docs are rolling, the appraisals are going forward.... but somehow I'm less enthused than I expected myself to be. Perhaps it's a conditioned response to all the heartache from this summer. And all that heartache is actually a testimony, because God is bigger than the real estate market, and he knew that we needed to sit on our hands all summer on these other houses, until this one was ready to hit the market. It's cheaper, and needs less repair than any of the others. There is a beautiful play toy in the back for the girls, enough bedrooms and whatnot, and there is a "family room" in back for the desk and toys and craft stuff. We went back today to look around and see if there were any glaring issues that needed dealing with before we went forward, so we got to measure and poke around and dream. It still doesn't feel real yet somehow lol.
Anyway, it will be a busy week for us as we are visiting multiple families this year for the holiday. I'm thinking of running a special in the etsy shop this weekend for black friday, but I don't really have any great ideas yet, so if you have a suggestion let me know! I did take my things to a friends house this weekend and sold a few pieces, so hopefully I can get some more jewelry made. which reminds me, I need to go order some supplies! Ta ta y'all!
November 16, 2009
Lizbeth is here!
This color makes me think of a Kite, or an '80s track suit.....really anything made of ripstop nylon.
These lovely threads are currently listed in the shop. I'm still learning so much about the process, so to fund my continuing education in dye, I'll be selling these for $6 per skein. The average price for premium dyed thread seems to be around $7 to $7.50, but my technique does not yet warrant that price. So take advantage of my learning journey and enjoy some great thread.
Please feel free to comment, tell me what you like or don't like. I love to hear from you!
November 12, 2009
The DR. is in
You know, I like the Dr and all, but she is a little eccentric. And she does things I find out about she pretended she was me and told my husband that I required....I mean requested....a skein winder for Christmas. Crazy, right? And you should have seen her when Diane posted about the spinning wheel pattern she is working on. "I've been Featured!" she exclaimed while doing a ridiculous happy dance of sorts. She may be good with color, but the girl can't dance.
November 10, 2009
Unloading of the shuttles.

Ok, I will admit to having left off the last round. I like it better this way. Or I'm lazy. Who cares right? I like the finished product.
The thread is by Heather Johnston, called Ruths Irish. I thought the black background made it stand out better.
I also finished a pair of earrings and listed them in the shop. Hark. It's tuesday and I tatted!
November 7, 2009
The question of the day....
November 5, 2009
HDT in action.

Here are some of the recently dyed threads in action. On top is a pair of Marilee's Quadrille earrings. I must say that I like cebelia more when it's had a dye job. Something about the texture chainges.
Next is a little heart, in first-batch experimental color, this time it's lizbeth. The sheen on it is teriffic when dyed!
Sorry I don't have anything inspirational to say tonight. Just got home from "work" (Band rehearsal) and I had to play guitar with a 15lb baby strapped to my back. Little darling decided she needed mommie time right when rehearsal started :-), so I'm a little worn tonight.
I hope to let poor Dr. Von Threadmore out to play early next week. We've sold all but like 4 skiens of our good batch of thread, and there is only two or three of the seconds left as well. I have a plan for a holiday thread, so I hope to have that realized early enough for this season.
November 4, 2009
I've cut some four inch tall tag-thingies and made them into fancy earring cards. Previously I had been packing the earrings in those small cotton filled jewelry boxes, and I decorated each one. I really want a personal touch added to each order, and I like the items to arrive giftable. So I think this idea might work-- if I pack these small cards in a bubble mailer or a photo mailer they should fare well through the postal service. The problem I was having with the little boxes was that I either had to drive to Seattle or wait for an order to make it to me when I ran out. This way I have the materials available and I can still tailor each to coordinate with the item inside.
So, your opinions are requested on the new packaging concept. Dr. V is just happy to have something to work on while waiting for her laboratory supplies to arrive.
November 3, 2009
It's gone to her head
November 2, 2009
Live in the shop!

November 1, 2009
And the winner is.......
I feel happy. Oh so happy.
Also, as I am out of thread, out of dyes, and out of funds, I'll be listing some thread on ETSY tomorrow to raise some resources so I can keep going. It will be cheap, just because it's my first couple batches and I'll also be listing a few "seconds"..... some skeins that aren't quite perfect, and I wouldn't charge much more than cost on those.