This beautiful butterfly is something that caught my particular attention. It is done in Romanian Point Lace. Now, I have seen different laces at Guild meetings, but not anything I wanted to learn. This type of lace is very textural, and is built on a crocheted cording. It is couched to muslin, and then the filling needle lace stitches are connecting the cords together. The cording is very unique and I can see many applications in jewelry. The disappointment about Romanian Point lace, is the lack of availability in patterns and information. There was one teacher at the conference, and I did purchase her beginning book as well as a kit. Once I got home I looked around online, and discovered that I had become interested in something even more obscure than tatting it would seem. There has been one other book published on RPL, but it is out of print and unavailable. I do have Sylvia Murariu's website for patterns and information, and there are gals at guild who have taken her classes so all is not lost.
July 31, 2010
IOLI report.
This beautiful butterfly is something that caught my particular attention. It is done in Romanian Point Lace. Now, I have seen different laces at Guild meetings, but not anything I wanted to learn. This type of lace is very textural, and is built on a crocheted cording. It is couched to muslin, and then the filling needle lace stitches are connecting the cords together. The cording is very unique and I can see many applications in jewelry. The disappointment about Romanian Point lace, is the lack of availability in patterns and information. There was one teacher at the conference, and I did purchase her beginning book as well as a kit. Once I got home I looked around online, and discovered that I had become interested in something even more obscure than tatting it would seem. There has been one other book published on RPL, but it is out of print and unavailable. I do have Sylvia Murariu's website for patterns and information, and there are gals at guild who have taken her classes so all is not lost.
July 28, 2010
In case you were wondering...
Most of what goes on all week will be dedicated to Bobbin and Needle laces. Most of the classes run for 12 hours over five days..... there are only two "mini classes" available for tatting, one of which I will be attending. Sandy, who you may have seen in my Shuttlebirds pictures, is someone I met at the Guild. We have become fast friends and she has invited me to tag along with her on this trip. We hope to see much in the way of displays and vendors!
Being just an overnight trip, I have packed only a small pouch of tatting supplies containing the needed supplies for the clunies class, and another of the bridal necklaces that i am working on, this time in a brown with beautiful bronzy beads. It will be amazing. I think I will make one for myself.
In this poor picture taken from my laptop, hopefully you will be able to see the pair of earrings I whipped up last night to wear to the big convention. I'll Be back tomorrow friends! Until then, happy tatting!
July 27, 2010
The bride's necklace in black
July 25, 2010
Yesterday brought some welcome time to work on various tatting projects. I have this new goal to get to 100 listings...Bhaahaaaaahah.
Anyways, just a little extra work in the etsy department has paid dividends in sales. So while I was all dolled up for a wedding we had attended that afternoon, I took a few pics of me modeling jewelry. I have a custom order possibility from this yellow necklace you see me wearing, I'll fill you in on the details if it pans out.
Today I hope to let Dr. Vonthreadmore bust into the new dyes we aquired. That of course entails much winding of skeins, but it will have to wait until after kiddos bedtime as we are currently enjoying our kiddie pool in the backyard.
God Bless Wireless Internet.
Oh, and since I have added a new look to the blog, I would appreciate any feedback on compatability/readability issues. Feel free to let me know if you love it or hate it. Well, maybe not if you hate it. :-)
July 24, 2010
Another HDT question...
I really appreciate your feedback as I formulate future dye projects.
July 23, 2010
And now for something different
July 22, 2010
The Crystal
The thread is one of the HDT solids from recent endeavors. I made it to have a very gentle change in intensity to it, you barely notice but it gives depth and texure.
I went ahead and listed this set, but I think I am going to have to order another batch of this crystal for myself. I've had a little success as of late in the etsy shop, and for some reason that has made it hard for me to keep any of the jewelry lately....I mean, if it has the potential to bring in a little moola..... Oh well. I think I shall soon treat myself to some of my own creations.
July 21, 2010
Looks like the blog will be getting a new look...
It is currently listed and waiting for it's purchaser. The only real design change I made was to trade out the cabone ring center for a Catherine wheel. I used a HDT of mine for the center, and regular Lizbeth for the rest.
In our last go-round of dye, the Dr. and I did probably 20 different skeins of solid colors in 10 and 20 for my own personal stash. I did some extra large perle cotton too and have been using it for hairclips and the like. And now that the custom orders are out of the way, I'll be working on a very special piece that I have been planning for some time. I went to Shipwreck Beads a few weeks back and came home with Gobs of crystal for some necklace and earring sets that should be all sorts of spectacular, as long as everything goes well of course!
July 19, 2010
So much for that poll...... :-)
Time for a Poll!
July 18, 2010
The charm of HDT
July 17, 2010
Vineyard at Dusk
I couldn't wait to try it out, so here is an action shot, one of my 3-d flowers. It will end up on a hairclip later this afternoon. Of course I would love to tat all day, but I need to go get a new cell phone as well as go to a birthday party..... so many other things to do! But this thread is going to call me name for sure. All day. I'll hear it from across town beckoning......
If it beckons you as well I have listed a small amount here. I only have Lizbeth 20 available in this batch as of yet.