September 26, 2011

Just to say Hi....

Just dropping in to say howdy, and let you know that Dr. Vonthreadmore has made her way back to the US.... many postcards have arrived and I'll post them in the coming days.

Until then,



Karrieann said...

Hiya Honeys! I LOVE you!

Jane S. said...

What a nice family photo! Your kids are getting so big.

Gina said...

Lovely family photo!

John said...

Hye Doc!
WB!! Had a wonderful time with your mom and the ladies at Tat days. Now, year, you MUST join us! (fingers crossed)

IsDihara said...

FAB family photo! Love it, love it!

Had such a great time at Tat Days, loved spending time with your wonderful mom!

I tried to impress upon her how grand I think you are, but I don't think I accomplished it. Because, of course, she thinks you are even more fabulous and grand that I do! (And she is right.)

Umintsuru said...

What a great photo!! I just realised how Karrieann is related to you. I think I remember reading about it but it probably slipped my mind. It just registered . . awesome.